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Every evil dungeon master need doorways to hide ugly monsters.

You don’t want to show them to the party at start. Give them time to eat in peace!

So the doors!


For this little doors you will need two polystyrene foam parts, one 50mm and second ~25mm. Thicker one we will use to build door jamb. Smaller will go for door wing.

First cut 2×2 inc. piece of 50mm foam. Next you should draw door wing on  it. Then cut it using sharp knife. Do not throw away center part. You can use is as pattern on thicker foam part. Just put it on another 2×2 of ~20mm styro. and trace with pen. Cut again and you almost have both part needen. The last thing for this will be to add stone texture and wood one. Also very simple, just take pencil or other thin stick and push a little bit on the foam.

After that we need to add floor bit. And prepare 4 hinges for our door wing. For floor just cut 2×1” foam part (I did it using 50mm styro.). Drop single line for now in the middle with pencil or something.

Now regarding hinges, job is a bit harder, you will need first to cut thin layers of styro. And then cut the shape as bellow one. It need to be thin as a ham, which you hate (I hope you like ham anyway but…). At the end take pencil or knife and add little holes on each of hinges. This will simulate nails holes.


On door jamb, floor part and hinges we need drop a base black color first. It will add this nice deep for stone and metal parts. When it drys on jamb and floor I normally add one layer of dark grey and then light grey. On hinges I used citadel paint called Leadbelcher.

Regarding doors just one nice layer of burn umber. It will look like brow wood.


Finally glue! Hot glue (not too hot) works very well with styro. You need a little drop of it on the inner part of jamb and for hinges. Your last step will be to glue jamb to the floor so your door will stand up again and block reckless foes.

This is your doors!


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